A huge potato mosaic of film star Matt Damon has been created to celebrate Albert Bartlett’s sponsorship of Hollywood blockbuster The Martian.
‘Mash Damon’, which was created by culinary artist Prudence Staite, stands at 3m x 2m and uses 227kg of Albert Bartlett potatoes. It was unveiled to coincide with the film’s launch on Blu-ray and DVD on 8 February.
In the film, Damon plays astronaut Mark Watney who survives solely on potatoes after being left stranded on Mars.
Rooster, Purple Majesty and Osprey are among the varieties used to recreate Damon’s face, in a mash-tastic replica of the DVD’s artwork, with Staite using a range of techniques including mashing, slicing and dicing. The mosaic took three days to build and was finished off with black peppercorns for definition.
'I was inspired to create a food mosaic in tribute to Matt Damon after his character, Mark Watney, survived on potatoes,” she said. “It was a challenge but the array of potato colours available brought the space helmet and facial features to life. I hope the public enjoy the irony of Mash Damon.”