While those who exercise frequently would seem more likely to be more concerned about their diets and eating more fresh produce, the diverse range of activities in which they engage makes it very difficult for marketers to court them en masse. As a result, any successful marketing activity will likely have to be targeted at participants in very specific activities.

The US Sports Goods Manufacturers Association sports participation report suggests massive gains in home fitness while there have been declines in popular team games as well as swimming, aerobics and even golf.

But there are still large numbers of people in many activities and those who are committed are likely to read the specialist press, watch related TV programmes and take part in the associated competitions, meetings and conventions as well as buy the necessary equipment.

“These communities of shared interests offer marketers of fruits and vegetables a large audience and one that is likely to be favourably disposed to the appeal of fresh produce,’ finds the World Apple Report. “Sports…have a strong hold on the key market segment of young, adult males. That demographic should not be surrendered to the beer sellers without a fight.”
