Organic vegetables

Organic farmers and those who want to convert to organic will be able to apply for support under the Countryside Stewardship scheme for the next two years, farming minister George Eustice has announced.

At a meeting with members of the English Organic Forum, Eustice confirmed that applications for the scheme will open later this year and again in 2018.

The agreements – open to existing organic farmers, growers whose Organic Entry Level schemes are expiring, and new farmers who want to convert to organic growing – will last for five years.

The Soil Association welcomed the news, with policy director Peter Melchett saying it would be welcomed by consumers and farmers alike. Organic sales in the UK continue to rise steadily, with five per growth in 2015.

“The demand for organic food is growing strongly in the UK, and is currently outstripping home-grown supply,” he said. “Export markets for British organic produce present a further opportunity for British farmers to prosper, if the right government policies are in place.”

The US, in particular, presents opportunities for UK exporters. It is the largest organic market in the world, accounting for 43 per cent of global sales. The market grew by 11 per cent in 2015, outperforming America’s non-organic food market, which saw three per cent growth.

The largest organic market in Europe and the second biggest in the world is Germany, worth €8.6 billion in 2015. But China’s market is growing fastest, with current growth rates of over 50 per cent.