Geoff Irwin

Geoff Irwin

Extra Special Elizabeth potatoes hit shelves for the fifth consecutives year when they reached Asda on Wednesday.

Elizabeth potatoes are a unique variety, produced specifically for the Asda Extra Special brand by vegetable grower and packer, Fenmarc Produce Ltd in Cambridgeshire.

This year’s new season crop is said to be of excellent quality and the current growing season has enhanced their firm flesh and waxy texture, according to Fenmarc.

Extra Special Elizabeth potatoes are available for a short window of time in a 750g pack.

Asda potato buyer Des Wilson said: “We’re very pleased to have Extra Special Elizabeth potatoes in stock again this year. Sales have grown well year on year. The variety compliments Asda’s continued commitment to provide customers with a 52-week Extra Special offer in the potato aisle, Elizabeth directly following on from the Jersey season.”

This year’s crop is being grown across Lincolnshire, Suffolk and Wales. Geoff Irwin is one of the farmers growing the crops in partnership with Fenmarc. He said: “This is a challenging variety to grow using a lot of my skills as a grower, however, it’s rewarding as it’s one of the nicest potatoes you can eat!”

Originally a root vegetable grower for Fenmarc, Irwin has moved into potato crops in recent years in partnership with Fenmarc.