5 A DAY partner FruitMe™, was founded to increase awareness of, and accessibility to, healthy eating in the workplace. Founders of FruitMe™ were aware that in modern and fast paced workplaces, employees can often have limited access to healthy food and may be restricted to the amount of time they have to go out and buy fresh fruit and veg.

The founders of FruitMe™ each started a campaign in their own workplace, supported by 5 A DAY Just Eat More (fruit & veg) resources, to promote and encourage healthy snack ideas and help make healthy eating at work more of a priority. The main feedback they received was that many employees were not exposed to alternative healthy snacking options at work. This lack of supply of healthy snacks in the workplace led to the development of the present FruitMe™ company.

FruitMe™ believes companies can contribute greatly to their employees’ health and do a significant amount to promote healthier eating in the workplace. FruitMe™ gives employers all over the country an opportunity to care for the wellbeing of their staff by offering deliveries of fresh fruit and vegetables each week.

FruitMe™ offers two delivery options - Snack Attack and the Company Health Programme. Snack Attack, suitable for smaller companies, offers a weekly delivery of 50 pieces of fruit and vegetables, together with a monthly copy of the FruitMe™ News publication. FruitMe™ News highlights the value of fruit and veg consumption and forms part of FruitMe™’s commitment to further educating companies, employers and employees about healthy eating habits in the workplace.

The Company Health Programme is designed for larger companies which require at least 100 pieces of fresh fruit and veg each day. FruitMe™ designs a delivery programme specific to the company’s needs and selects the fresh produce for each daily delivery.

A supporter of the 5 A DAY programme, FruitMe™ has been granted a licence to use the 5 A DAY logo on its website (www.fruitme.co.uk) and advertising materials. The FruitMe™ website also provides a link to the 5 A DAY site (www.5aday.nhs.uk). In addition, FruitMe™ now supplies employees with copies of 5 A DAY Just eat more (fruit and veg) literature, and ideas for creative snack time activities including opportunities to win healthy surprise bags, to encourage and raise awareness of the importance of eating a variety of at least five portions of fruit and veg every day and so make healthy eating in the workplace become a reality.