A new study has revealed that staple fruit and veg lines may not provide the best options in attaining your 5 A DAY.

Researchers claim widely purchased fruits and vegetables are not necessarily the best for us, with more niche lines such as kale and blueberries, as well as sweet potatoes and papaya, offering healthier options.

Not only will our palates appreciate the variety, they are better for us than carrots, oranges and mainstream products, according to the US researchers.

The researchers focused on content of plant compounds, named phytonutrients, believed to boost the health of the eyes, bone, heart, brain and immune system, cutting the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

The research, presented at the 2010 Experimental Biology conference in California, claims papaya contains 15 times more beta-cryptoxanthin than a glass of orange juice, which also contains vitamin A.

Dr Keith Randolph of US vitamin pill manufacturer Nutrilite said: “This data highlights the importance of not only the quantity but the significant impact that quality and variety of the fruits and vegetables can have.”

He said that those who ate the recommended 5 A DAY could do better while there are still huge swathes of the world’s population who do not get the recommended daily allowance.