

Celebrity chefs and the Red Tractor team enjoyed success at Feastival 2013

The food industry has been rallying behind Red Tractor Assurance's Trust The Tractor campaign over the summer and will be backing the launch of a new consumer confidence report next week.

In its drive to engage shoppers, Red Tractor Assurance is running Red Tractor Week from 16-22 September to build on successful activity at the music and food event Big Feastival on 31 August – 1 September in the Costwolds.

Red Tractor Week will feature a series of farmers’ and growers’ stories in the media and a collection of new, exclusive Red Tractor recipes as well as the launch of a smartphone app so consumers can find Red Tractor food when they are eating out. An Instagram photography competition will also run as part of the campaign, offering top prizes.

AHDB chief executive Tom Taylor said: “There’s no doubt Horsegate cast something of a cloud over consumer trust but this cloud proved to have a silver lining as consumers sought clear reassurance on food quality – this brought the trust and confidence that comes with Red Tractor into its own.”