Comet booster for school fruit

The range of fresh produce that can be supplied for the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) is likely to increase following a new deal on refrigeration.

Electrical retailer Comet has announced a partnership with the scheme to provide more than 15,000 bespoke fridges to schools throughout England.

The retailer negotiated the deal with NHS Supply Chain, which manages the delivery of a daily piece of fresh produce to infant school children in England on behalf of the department of health. It will now enable schools to store their produce more efficiently.

Many schools have been lacking sufficient refrigeration space to keep the produce delivered for the scheme fresh. The new fridges will thus reduce the number of weekly food deliveries to schools, giving added environmental benefits.

The refrigerators are being delivered this term to benefit some two million children. They are bespoke Comet Proline fridges and have been designed to provide the maximum refrigeration space required. Participating schools can choose the fridge that best suits them and order it through NHS Supply Chain. The fridges are all delivered, installed and tested by Comet. They are A-rated, with low energy emissions and lower lifetime cost, and the retailer has committed to provide ongoing support following the installations.

Roger West, procurement director at NHS Supply Chain said: “We are delighted that we will be working with Comet to enable schools to have access to fridges through the SFVS. This is a key development in the scheme, as it will allow us to expand the choice of fresh fruit and vegetables available for schoolchildren.”