The Co-operative has announced it is to target iPod users with a new magazine-style podcast designed to engage consumers.

The 20-minute podcast, produced by Jibba Jabba Productions, is recorded as a magazine-style radio show that can be downloaded then listened to on the move or at home.

Presenter Lisa O’Sullivan has travelled the length of the country to speak to the people producers, sponsors and consumers involved with the retailer.

Terry Hudghton, Head of Brand at The Co-operative, said: “The concept of podcasts is something new for us but we saw its potential as a way of engaging more with our customers and members and giving them an insight into the many great projects that The Co-operative invests in.

“We wanted to demonstrate how seriously we take our “good for everyone” motto and that we are putting it into practice in so many ways. The initial feedback has been excellent and we’re looking forward to showcasing more of our community projects, campaigns and Co-operative businesses in future podcasts.”

In the podcast, O’Sullivan speaks to film director Anders østergaard about his recent film from inside Burma and discovers why The Co-operative has been campaigning for democracy in Burma for the last ten years. Chef Rob Lang gives some tips on party food for Halloween and Bonfire Night.
