Rachel Green

Sophie Grigson

Hug Fearnley-Whittingstall: eager beaver

Hug Fearnley-Whittingstall: eager beaver

Eat in Colour (EiC) has hit the national headlines by recruiting five celebrity chefs to see if they could earn the Healthy Eating Beaver Scouts badge it sponsors.

The Mirror ran the story on Monday featuring Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, who rose to the challenge required of the Beavers to prepare a fruit salad, create a healthy snack, design a nutritious sandwich and list a selection of low-nutrient value foods.

Nearly half of Britain’s 100,000 Beaver Scouts have already earned the organisation’s Healthy Eating badge, and now Martin Blunos, Brian Turner, Sophie Grigson and Rachel Green as well as Fearnley-Whittingstall have also completed the tasks to raise awareness of the importance of fruit and vegetables in a balanced diet.

Some 42,000 Beavers have earned the right to wear the Eat in Colour healthy eating badge on their sleeve and, according to campaign research, many of them are using their new-found knowledge in their everyday lives. A survey of the Beaver colonies that have completed the award found that two thirds are eating more than the national average of fruit and vegetables.

Eat in Colour chairman Anthony Levy said: “The support from these chefs will give the badge an extra boost as Eat in Colour’s aim this year is to achieve 100 per cent take-up of the badge.
