Farmers’ awareness of the Campaign for the Farmed Environment (CFE) is high, according to a recent DEFRA survey.

According to the survey, 85 per cent of farmers have heard about the campaign and many are managing land voluntarily.

Around 5,000 farmers and growers were questioned in November, when the campaign was officially launched, to get a benchmark for the level of voluntary, environmental activity already being carried out on farm, in addition to the then current level of awareness of the campaign.

Results reveal 174,000 hectares of land are already managed for conservation outside agri-environment schemes and more than 50 per cent of farmers have retained uncultivated land. However, the CFE partners believe it is vital that the interest in the campaign is turned into action on the ground.

Growers are being urged to retain their uncropped land and existing environmental management and take a look at the campaign’s Farmers Guide to the Voluntary Measures and adopt at least one measure agreement that can work with their farming business. This could even be on uncropped land.

National Farmers’ Union president Peter Kendall said: “The survey results are a fantastic start for the campaign and reinforce my belief that farmers and growers already put in a huge effort voluntarily. The campaign partners are now focused on providing farmers with advice on the best way for them to take part so that the campaign targets are achieved.”

Country Land & Business Association president William Worsley said: “The results are certainly encouraging and show the Campaign has generated a lot of interest among farmers and land managers. However, it is important we do not become complacent. We need to turn intention into action and this is something that every farmer, grower and land manager can do. If we do not succeed, then the alternative will be costly and could stifle the industry’s ability to move forward for years to come.”