University initiative brings together experts from across departments

The University of Nottingham

The University of Nottingham

A new food policy and foresight centre has been launched at the University of Nottingham to help address urgent food system challenges and improve livelihoods.

The Centre for Food Policy and Foresight brings together over 50 experts from across the university, forming a multidisciplinary team dedicated to transforming food security, sustainability, and nutrition on both a national and global scale.

The new centre aims to advance the development of evidence-based policy briefings and deliver distilled and practical policy recommendations for policymakers to act on, to help attain a sustainable, ethical and environmentally friendly food system.

This centre will be led by Professor Paul Wilson, professor of agricultural economics in the School of Biosciences. His experience includes over 15 years directing the Farm Business Survey and his recent tenure as head of the School of Biosciences at the university.

Wilson is also incoming president of the UK Society of Agricultural Economists. He said: “Our new Centre for Food Policy and Foresight is designed to be a catalyst for change in how we approach food system challenges. We’re not just focusing on theoretical research; we’re committed to translating our findings into practical solutions that can be implemented by policymakers and industry leaders.

“The centre will develop strategies to address pressing issues like food security, sustainability, and nutrition – issues that affect people, every day. By influencing policy debates and shaping the future of food systems, we hope to create a world where access to healthy, sustainable food is the norm rather than the exception.”