Brands issued social media warning

Latest research from Mintel throws up interesting results for fresh-produce brand owners.

The study shows that 24 per cent of Facebook users only follow brands when they get something in exchange.

This suggests that consumer motivation for engaging with brands online lies heavily with being rewarded for the interaction.

The market analysis company found in its research that nearly a quarter of users of the social networking site agree with the statement “I only follow or like a company on a social network if I get something in return” compared to 18 per cent of consumers overall.

However, 17 per cent of consumers overall claim that they are happy to supply personal information to companies so “they can serve me better”.

The Mintel research found that 21 per cent of those it surveyed claim to have followed or subscribed to a company’s social profile rising to 28 per cent of Facebook users and 47 per cent of Twitter users. However, just eight per cent of consumers say they have conversed with company via social media

Cecilia Liao, senior technology analyst at Mintel, said: “Our research reveals an interesting picture of consumers who will ‘engage in exchange’ with brands in the social media space. Brands who wish to use this medium may wish to think about the incentive they are giving consumers for doing so and brands should not assume that just because consumers are following them on social media they are engaged.

“Understanding how consumers like and want to interact with your brand is key to success with this medium. Companies need to establish what they are using their social media channels for and make this clear to consumers to set their expectations on what benefits the channel will bring to them.”

The research also found that 14 per cent of consumers said they would be more likely to buy a product or service if they saw a friend had commented positively on it or “liked” it on a social network site.
