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Booths has made a number of changes to the way it sells fresh produce in store as a result of new commitments to reduce plastic.

The regional supermarket chain is phasing out its current loose produce bags, to be replaced with compostable loose bags, and introducing reusable cotton net bags for loose produce.

It is also reducing the thickness of the film gauge in packaging, which the retailer says will greatly limit the amount of plastic used.

Other initiatives across the store include the phasing out and removal of single-use plastic bags, introducing a new 'bag for life' made from 90 per cent recycled plastic and several measures related to coffee cups.

Chris Stoves, Booths' health, safety and environment manager, said: “The reduction of plastics is a priority for all our teams, informing buying and packaging choices at all levels of the business. Reducing plastics in Booths isn’t a one-off initiative; it’s a continuous range of changes we’re making to help reduce the reliance on plastic.

“The redesign of our Carnforth store focuses on market-style shopping which reduces the amount of pre-packed fruit and vegetables and increases the range of loose produce available. We have also introduced compostable loose produce bags, alongside reusable cotton bags, which we feel will help to dramatically reduce the amount of plastic in our stores.'