Berryworld and Poupart skip ahead

School children are to be introduced to the dual delights of skipping and blueberries, thanks to Berryworld and Poupart.

The companies are sponsoring Skip 2B Fit, a company set up by former professional boxer, John McCormack, to encourage a healthy lifestyle among school children.

The sponsorship deal sees Berryworld and Poupart providing financing to allow McCormack to visit schools throughout the Kent area to give skipping demonstrations. The companies, both part of the Poupart Group, will also be providing free fruit for the children to eat.

Lisa Knight, marketing manager with Berryworld, said they had provided £10,000 sponsorship money and would also be proving easy peeling clementines and blueberries.

McCormack said he estimated seeing more than 40,000 children throughout 2005: “I will be able to sit them down and talk to them about the fruit they’re eating.”

He said he was hoping to set up franchises of Skip 2B Fit around the rest of the UK.

Adam Olins, md of Berryworld, said the decision to sponsor the scheme made sense: “The whole concept is about educating children to do exercise and eat healthily.”