Bananarama's Keren Woodward and Sara Dallin in 2007. Pic: Maciej Zgadzaj

Bananarama's Keren Woodward and Sara Dallin in 2007. Pic: Maciej Zgadzaj

The original members of Bananarama are ending their banana split to promote the courgette industry under the new band name Courgette-About-It.

Siobhan Fahey, Keren Woodward and Sarah Dallin are rumoured to be getting an unlimited supply of courgettes for the rest of their lives for ditching their former image and teaming up to sing the new single Never Courgette To Say Goodbye.

The trio will don head to toe green outfits for a three-minute multi-million pound music video in which the stars will re-enact all the ways courgettes can be cooked.

The video will be played in full during every advertising break between 4pm and 8pm on ITV and Channel Four for the next two months.

It begins with the formerly-fruity threesome lying side-by-side in a giant oven singing the new single as they are slowly roasted by the flames.

A sprinkle of salt from a divine hand above conveniently turns to snow, cooling them down just enough to be diced and tossed in a frying pan.

TV audiences will be able to watch in amazement as the three singers’ dismembered lips still appear unable to perform two or even three-part harmonies as in unison they belt out the chorus ‘You can chop up my heart/or slow-roast my eye/but never courgette to say goodbye’.

As the video goes on, the produce-friendly pop stars are steamed, braised, broiled, microwaved and stuffed before a final medley in which the trio team up with Take That to perform Never Courgette (Where You’ve Come Here From) as shots of courgette growers are superimposed over the top.