Babyleaf kale will have pride of place on Cambridgeshire seed company CN seeds’ stall at this year’s Fruit Logistica following a successful promotional campaign in the US.
The company hopes to replicate the popularity of the vegetable in the UK and has recently launched Jagallo Nero, a Babyleaf kale variety with serrated leaves.
It will be available for commercial trials in the UK and Europe early next year.
The vegetable’s success over the pond has been driven by celebrity chefs and a campaign to highlight the health benefits of kale.
Craig Thomas of CN Seeds said that the principal point of difference between Babyleaf Kale and full-sized kale is that Babyleaf only needs to be blanched for a couple of minutes to be ready to serve and has a sweeter taste than its larger counterpart.
“There’s a lot of awareness in the media of kale thanks to the work being done by celebrity chefs using it as an ingredient in their recipes,” he said.
Other products being launched at the CN Seeds stand include wild rocket Monza and improved coriander Cadiz.
CN Seeds exports vegetable seeds to European markets, the USA and Australasia.
Babyleaf Kale is expected to be available in microwaveable packs in UK supermarkets from next year.