Andrew Ovens Produce World

Andrew Ovens of Produce World

The Organic Trade Board (OTB) has announced the appointment of Produce World marketing director Andrew Ovens to its committee.

The not-for-profit organics promoter said that Produce World's status as one of the UK's largest growers of organic vegetables made Ovens a natural choice.

With overall organic sales suffering a 1.5 per cent decline in 2012, Paul Moore, OTB chairman, hopes the appointment will boost the flagging category.

He said: “Andrew is a welcome addition to the committee and his experience speaks for itself. The committee has welcomed a number of fantastic industry experts this year, all of whom will help to grow, educate and excite the organics category.”

Ovens added: 'I have a wealth of sales, marketing and NPD experience and great track record of developing award-winning campaigns. I am very much looking forward to contributing thoughts and ideas at committee meetings on how we can really drive the organics industry forward.”

The appointment is expected to be welcomed by the organics industry as sales of organic fruit and vegetables are currently in decline. Finn Cottle, produce consultant at The Soil Association, blasted the major retailers for not properly promoting organic fruit and vegetable products in a recent FPJ interview.

She explained: “Big-four supermarkets such as Asda and Morrisons both have a role to play by boosting their output. Organics should be available to everyone in every supermarket like the rest of Europe; we have to change the perception.I believe that retailers must now ensure organic fruit and veg is more eye-catching and easier to find in the produce fixture.'