Agrexco has kicked off the capsicum season with an organic range that mirrors its conventional offer.

Red, yellow, orange and green peppers feature alongside chilli peppers as well as Ramiro and Sweet Bite in the organic range from the Israeli exporter.

Although Ramiro is available year round, the other types are only just starting their season now, in mid-November. The season is likely to run until May or June next year.

Organic Ramiro belongs to the sweet, pointed peppers range and is marketed exclusively by Agrexco and Sulat.

In Israel it is the Arava, Negev and valley areas that have become the principal producers of capsicum. All three have dry, desert-like conditions defined by high temperatures and a lack of water, where the fruit is grown under cover.

Agrexco is targeting organic Sweet Bite at the children’s market because it is small, bright orange and has sugar levels of between nine and 11 per cent on the brix scale. It is also high in beta-carotene and vitamin C.