Welsh minister Alun Davies

Alun Davies (from National Assembly for Wales/Flickr)

An action plan to create a 30 per cent increase in turnover for the Welsh food and drink sector by 2020 was unveiled yesterday.

The three-part plan aims to deliver growth and jobs in the food and farming sector through forming a food and drink federation, such as a task force or retail forum, to offer leadership to the sector.

It will also develop a new identity for Welsh produce to support market development as well as focus on training and up-skilling throughout the food chain.

The plan, ‘Delivering Growth: An action plan for the Food and Drinks Industry’, was launched by Welsh minister for natural resources and food, Alun Davies, at a Winter fair yesterday.

Davies said: “I want to set a clear direction and agree actions so that government and industry can work together to deliver growth in the Welsh food and drinks sector.

“Food production is so important and has an impact on nearly every element of our lives. It affects our economy, our climate, our diet and health, our education and ability to learn, and there is no doubt that it is a major part of our culture and tourism offer.”

He added: “We have designed this plan to ensure that Wales’ food industry reaches its full potential. That is why it includes a particular focus on delivering green growth and creating jobs throughout the food chain.”

The final plan will be published in spring 2014.