5 A DAY? Make mine a muffin, say kids

Many children believe blueberry muffins, jam, milk, cereal and water count as part of their 5 A DAY, a poll has found.

Children in 500 families were asked about their consumption of fruit and vegetables, and the survey, carried out by Dolmio, found many did not know which foods counted.

Some 16 per cent thought that jam could be counted as one of their 5 A DAY, while 15 per cent said blueberry muffins could be part of their five portions, 12 per cent said milk could be counted along with 12 per cent who cited cereal, and six per cent said they could count water.

Nutritionist Juliette Kellow said: "Parents have busy lives but something as simple as preparing healthy meals together or even growing tomatoes on the kitchen windowsill will make a huge difference to their children's understanding of the origins of natural foods."