A long-term supporter of the 5 A DAY programme, Halifax and Bank of Scotland (HBOS) is committed to promoting the 5 A DAY Just Eat More (fruit & veg) message to its staff nationwide, writes Gill Dawson, from HBOS’s Colleague Well-Being programme.

Supporting the Department of Health’s 5 A DAY programme complements what HBOS has been doing in terms of helping to improve employee well-being. HBOS now uses the 5 A DAY logo on its internal health promotional materials.

In May, HBOS is running a Fruity Friday event to promote the World Cancer Research Fund’s Cancer Awareness Week. In addition to the company’s day-to-day health promotions, there will also be some promotions about healthy eating and nutrition on the intranet site - available to all HBOS staff - and 5 A DAY- branded literature and free fruit and veg will be given out to colleagues throughout the country.

Company publications such as HBOS’s Fit for Life booklet, which features the 5 A DAY logo and is distributed to all staff, are a vehicle to promote healthy lifestyle advice.

At HBOS, we believe that it is important to share knowledge and educate colleagues about the benefits of leading a healthier lifestyle.

The 5 A DAY message is a successful tool to do this because it is clear and communicates the health benefits of eating more fruit and veg in a simple way. The HBOS Colleague Well-Being programme also aims to encourage staff to take responsibility for their own health.

HBOS wants to promote the 5 A DAY message as part of our colleagues’ daily lives - whether it be at work, home or shopping at the local store.

Seeing a 5 A DAY logo or information about the programme is a consistent reminder, which helps to reinforce the importance of healthy eating.

The Colleague Well-Being programme has already received great uptake, and feedback from staff so far has been extremely positive and encouraging.

At HBOS, we will continue to use the 5 A DAY logo as an integral part of its well-being campaigns.