Retail news from FPJ – Page 378

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    Co-op results hold firm


    A move away from superstores to c-stores has helped boost profits at the recently merged Co-operative Group, despite the heavy cost of the merger with CRS.

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    Eurep-Gap set for May launch


    The first certifications available under the European retailer partnership's good agricultural practices scheme, Eurep-Gap, will be available next month.

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    Is that an onion I see before me?


    Brittany vegetable and salads marketing organisation Prince de Bretagne is targeting onions masquerading as shallots in a new consumer promotion this season.

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    Shopping is streets apart


    There are no signs of supermarket domination letting up, according to a new report, which shows that small independent retailers face continuing tough trading conditions.

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    Farmers' markets latest FMD casualty


    Alternative retail outlets, many of them offering fresh fruit and vegetables, are suffering as the foot and mouth disease crisis deepens in the UK. But multiple retailers are lending a hand.

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    Tune in for organic training


    UK organic certification body, the Soil Association, has launched a new video on organic food.

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    NFU slams opaque code


    The draft code of practice for supermarket dealings with their suppliers has been attacked by the National Farmers' Union.

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    UK retailing polarises


    The shifting retail scene in the UK is widening the gap between large scale operations and niche players, according to a new report.

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    Assault on outmoded stereotyping


    Traditional stereotypes of the UK fresh produce consumer were well and truly shaken at the Fresh Produce Convention this week.

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    Retail chain for sale


    One of the best known names in fresh produce retail north of the border is to go on the market next month.

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    Riverford flowing onwards


    An organic box scheme is expanding its franchise network as demand for its products burgeons.

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    Shoppers demand longer shelf life


    A recent survey shows that consumers want the convenience of fresh food with a longer shelf life.

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    Bramley hopes for just desserts


    Ian Mitchell, chairman of the Bramley Campaign Group (pictured) has launched an offensive against retailers who have been promoting dessert apples for cooking.

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    LibDem attacks competition commission


    Liberal Democrat MP Colin Breed has said that anyone who has an understanding of the way supermarkets operate would doubt the viability of a code of conduct.

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    Farmers' markets celebrate support


    The farmers' markets movement has been given a boost with local and national government pledging support at the National Association of Farmers' Markets (NAFM) conference on February 1.

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    Retailers must train more


    Employee education and training is vital at retail level if fresh produce sales are to increase.

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    Valentine's challenge from Pink Lady


    Marketeers of Pink Lady apples in the UK have launched an innovative Valentine's Day promotion.

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    Irish price battle intensifies


    Produce may be the newest battleground in the struggle among retailers in Ireland.

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    Iceland stumbles in organic goal


    UK retailer Iceland has seen sales suffer as it has struggled to grow sales of frozen organic produce.

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    Grocery leads home delivery revolution


    A new report from Verdict Research puts grocery ahead of the field in home delivery.