Retail news from FPJ – Page 255

  • M&S profits slump 34 per cent

    M&S profits slump 34 per cent


    Marks & Spencer (M&S) has announced a 34 per cent drop in half-year profits and plans to significantly reduce costs to regain its competitiveness on the high street

  • Article

    Scot study points to loose money saving


    A survey undertaken in East Renfrewshire, Scotland, has revealed that shoppers can dramatically reduce their bills by buying loose fresh produce.

  • Rosie Boycott

    Boycott builds case for London markets


    At last week’s London Markets Symposium, Rosie Boycott told delegates from more than 20 London boroughs, as well as food groups and markets of all descriptions that wholesale markets are key to the London Food Strategy.

  • How bent is your cucumber? This Naomi would pass

    Sainsbury's tackles Brussels produce laws


    Sainsbury's has written to the European agriculture commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel and British environment secretary Hilary Benn in a bid to pressurise bureaucrats to relax strict rules on the size, shape and appearance of fresh produce.

  • Leahy: powerful economic headwinds

    Tesco cuts sales targets


    Tesco has cut its sales targets for the first time in years as it battens down the hatches and prepares the City and its shareholders for what it sees as a difficult period ahead.

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    Pre-Christmas conditions to get tough


    Conditions are toughening for customers and retailers as the crucial run-up to Christmas begins, said the British Retail Consortium (BRC).

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    Retail margins to be squeezed this Xmas


    Retail analysts Verdict Research is forecasting that UK shoppers will spend more this Christmas than last, despite the current financial crisis, but this extra spend will be driven by the higher cost of food.

  • Lowman: accusatory

    ACS urges end to ombudsman prevarication


    A leading trade body has hit out at the Competition Commission (CC) and government for dilly-dallying over the introduction of a grocery ombudsman, and accused supermarkets of cynical exploitation of consumer fears.

  • 25 years from 5 A DAY

    25 years from 5 A DAY


    Just 12 per cent of UK consumers are eating their 5 A DAY, according to the latest TNS Usage panel data, which concludes that the average intake of recommended fresh produce is 2.6 portions a day in this country.

  • Booths store in Chorley

    Booths profits up 73 per cent


    Northern supermarket chain Booths has reported a remarkable 73 per cent rise in full-year pre-tax profits, on sales up 5.4 per cent to £243.6 million.

  • Natasha Robinson and Caroline Keeling

    Keelings celebrates with giveaway


    Irish soft-fruit grower Keelings has given away a brand new strawberry Mini Cooper to mark the fact that this year it has built a new 50,508sqm state-of-the-art strawberry glasshouse in North County Dublin.

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    New body accredited for BRC global standard


    SAI Global/EFSIS, the provider of food assurance solutions to the food industry, has become one of only two certification bodies to be accredited to undertake full and complete certification to the BRC Global Standard - Storage and Distribution.

  • John Collingwood

    McDonald's bags Collingwood apples


    Apple and grape bags at UK branches of fast-food chain McDonald’s will exclusively feature Kentish apples this winter, grown by John Collingwood.

  • James Lowman

    ACS chief talks small shops with Cameron


    Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) chief executive James Lowman yesterday attended the Conservative Party leadership’s Small Business Survival Summit at the House of Commons.

  • The Co-operative will become the UK's fifth-biggest player

    Somerfield acquisition gets green light


    Competition watchdogs have given the go-ahead to The Co-operative’s takeover of Somerfield.

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    Aldi claims highlight Tesco desperation


    As Tesco introduces its increasingly disgruntled band of suppliers to “Discounter House” in Cheshunt, and customers to its self-appointed role of Britain’s biggest discounter, the discounter chain that has the UK’s leading supermarkets running scared, Aldi, is not exactly trembling in its boots.

  • Garner: a prophet of boom for discounters and gloom for some at the top-end of food retail

    TNS data shows winners and losers


    The latest TNS figures show Tesco, Sainsbury's and Waitrose lost out to the discounter chains in the latest 12 week period.

  • Paul Spencer

    A first for Chegworth Valley


    Fruit grower and juice producer Chegworth Valley has opened its first ever farm shop on Kensington Church Street in London’s Notting Hill.

  • King: upbeat

    King remains upbeat amidst City gloom


    Sainsbury’s chief executive Justin King remains reasonably upbeat about his company’s prospects, despite the economic meltdown.

  • Solid September for Asda

    Solid September for Asda


    Asda has reported “strong sales growth” in September, according to Reuters.