The forecast, which was issued two weeks later this year due to a change in estimates procedure, also indicates a strong percentage of larger fruit sizes.
Zespri Gold volumes have increased significantly in line with expectation for a new variety still being planted. Tray equivalents are expected to reach 9million this season, 1m more than in 2002. Sizes are also larger. The large variation in potential fruit size, in particular the expected larger profile fruit, has led to changes in the weightbands for GOLD this season. Post harvest suppliers have already been notified of these changes.
However volumes of green organic fruit are likely to be slightly down on last season at 2.2m tray equivalents, although again, the size profile is on the large side.
Zespri is pleased with the estimates at this stage in production as they show that despite severe spring frosts, the crop is in good shape.
However Zespri is waning growers that returns might be affected by exchange rate factors. 'It iss anticipated that the appreciating New Zealand dollar will have an impact on grower returns despite strong market indicators and Zespri's effective foreign exchange cover,' the group said in a statement. 'The size of that impact can't be determined until the start of the season and the foreign exchange rates relative at that time.'