A budget of £8.8 million has been allocated to the Farexchange programme, unveiled in October, that aims to develop the Yorkshire and Humber food and drink industry.
Regional Development Agency, Yorkshire Forward has unveiled the fund, which aims to offer support to new and established businesses across the region.
The move could offer huge benefits for fresh produce growers and retailers alike and offers a broad range of help.
The project has six strands for businesses to focus on: innovation in products, packaging, processes, working skills, provenance and exporting. This will be delivered by the Regional Food Group (RFG), Centre for Food, Robotics and Automation (CenFRA), Farexchange and Appetising Innovation.
Fresh produce companies are recommended to contact the four delivery partners to identify opportunities and areas of assistance that could be provided.
The Farexchange project aims to link farmers and growers with food companies to improve supply chains and offers support in improving efficiency mechanically through CenFRA. It is rolling out a series of seminars, forums and conferences aimed at connecting food processors with growers to help improve logistics, reduce waste and exploit new and existing markets.
Farexchange operating manager Paul Rhodes said: “The aim of the conferences, seminars and forums is to bring all sectors of the food manufacturing sector together so they can form sustainable value chains. To get everyone in the supply chain working together would be a great asset in tackling the global challenges facing the food industry."
Jim Farmery, assistant director of business at Yorkshire Forward, said: “Our vision is to create an enterprise and innovation region of choice for new, emerging and established food and drink businesses.
“The strategy represents a more coherent approach to support for businesses - they will know who to go to in our partner network. We have made the support much more accessible and there is something in the strategy for everyone,” he said.
The programme is designed for all sub-sectors in the food and drink industry to take advantage. The Yorkshire and Humber food and drink sector is the largest in the country and is worth £2.7 billion a year to the regional economy.
Appetizing Innovation will assist the region’s product and packaging innovation by linking food and drink companies to a range of sources with the most up-to-date skills, technologies and equipment.
The RFG Yorkshire and Humber will support food and drink companies with provenance, linking excellent local food, strong relationships and fewer food miles. They will also assist companies with exporting enquiries.
Andrew Collinson of Yorkshire Forward told FPJ: “We are looking to improve the local economy and ensure that new food and drink companies, including those for fresh produce, start and last.”