Copperwheat Agriculture has kicked off the new season crop of Yorkshire grown garlic with supplies of green garlic on shelf now.
The packing and growing business, based near Ripon, North Yorkshire has grown a trial crop of garlic to supply the wholesale trade.
The crop has benefited from a warm season to date and quality is said to be “excellent”.
The business has been involved in growing garlic abroad for two years and decided to trial the crop in North Yorkshire.
As well as garlic they also will have available bunched beetroot carrots and salad potatoes as the season progresses.
Copperwheat Agriculture partner Moira Palmer said: "We have always been very committed to the principle of local and more sustainable supplies and as far as we are aware there are no other commercial garlic growers in the region.
“The garlic crop fits well with the main part of the business which is washing grading and packing root crops for various customers in the region. This tends to have a higher through put in the winter months and the garlic provides work in the quieter times of the year.”
At this point in the season the whole plant can be utilised, and as the season progresses and the bulb increases in size we will supply them as wet bulbs moving on to the dried crop in August.
The fresh garlic can be used in salads and cooked whole being milder and sweeter than when mature.