The latest information on de-packaging equipment for food waste is available online, thanks to a review conducted by SLR Consulting Ltd on behalf of WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme).

The Review of Food Waste De-packaging Equipment provides detailed information and specifications on the technology available to remove packaging from food waste prior to processing.

Such waste has historically been difficult to separate from the organic material and has therefore potentially been a barrier to efficient processing. De-packaging technology is an important innovation since it enables anaerobic digestion (AD) and in-vessel composting (IVC) operators to accept packaged food waste from retailers and food manufacturers.

Richard Swannell, director of retail & organics at WRAP, said: “Food waste processors have found that recycling packaged food waste has been a problem in the past. However, this report highlights that there is now a wide selection of de-packaging equipment on the market.

“By compiling this information into a simple online format, we hope to encourage IVC and AD operators, and retailers and food manufacturers alike, to consider how this technology could benefit them.”

The report, which contains detailed information on nine organisations, plus contact details for a number of others, can be accessed online via Equipment manufacturers that would like to be added to the report can submit their details via an online contact form.