Worldwide Fruit's Caroline Ashdown

Worldwide Fruit's Caroline Ashdown

Worldwide Fruit Ltd (WFL) has earned bronze level Investors in People accreditation.

Moving into new premises in January 2008 spurred the top-fruit and avocado marketing desk to concerted efforts to change the culture of its business.

More focus was given to staff training and development and formal methods of communication.

An English for speakers of other languages programme, National Vocational Qualifications and management development were all introduced. WFL also carries out regular staff opinion surveys, along with communication briefings and one-to-one meetings.

The IIP standard covers 10 areas including business strategy, learning, development, recognition and reward, corporate social responsibility, and core values. As well as the award, CEO Robert Balicki said WFL has seen many benefits from the changes made, including stable absence rates, a vast reduction in labour turnover, better problem solving and higher productivity.

He said: “I would like to say how pleasing it is to hear that we have been awarded bronze level by Investors in People. It shows the tremendous steps forward we have taken as a business and is recognition of everyone at WFL for the effort that has gone in to achieving this accolade. We will now be assessed every three years to ensure that we have continued to work at the required standard, and we will now show the IIP logo on our website and letter heading.”
