Tenbury Wells in Worcestershire is gearing up for its first Applefest - a celebration of the apple in all its glory.
Tenbury’s town centre co-ordinator Anthony Collis, said the Applefest, set for October 22-28, would turn Queen Victoria’s famous quote about the town on its head: “She originally described Tenbury Wells as her little town in the orchard, and now the Applefest is looking to bring the orchard into the town!” he said.
The town is planning a week of activities to promote the value of the apple, not only in terms of consumption, but as an important part of Tenbury’s heritage.
Collis said plans for the event so far include an apple art exhibition, a panel of apple doctors on hand to diagnose any apple problems, as well as fun activities, such as a contest to produce the longest peel.
In conjunction with the Tenbury Area Partnership, Malvern Hills District Council is calling on orchard owners and apple specialists to get involved in the festival.
Collis, said: “We really want to get anyone who’s interested in apples involved in the Applefest, and make it a really significant event for this attractive town.”