lidl frog cucumber

Twitter: Sareena R

A Lidl shopper was shocked after claiming to have found a dead frog squashed into the side of her newly-purchased cucumber.

Sareena Rai allegedly found the animal stuck inside the 45p salad product's plastic wrapper.

While staff at the store in Leicester reportedly immediately swapped the cucumber for a frog-free alternative, the damage had already been done, and Rai told reporters that she’s been put off smoothies for life.

Rai, who described herself on Twitter as being 'traumatised' by the incident, told media outlets: “It has made me feel sick for days.I’m vegan so it couldn’t have happened to a worse person. I’m a massive animal lover.

'You expect to see little bugs or flies on vegetables you buy, but not a whole squashed frog. It was really disgusting.I’m really glad I spotted it before I put it in my smoothie or before I got home.”

Rai claims that the frog went unnoticed when she picked it up and popped it in her trolley, and also when it was scanned by the shop assistant.

But when Rai was walking out of the supermarket, she said that she looked down into her open bag in her trolley, and spotted the squished frog.

The 28-year-old added: “It looked a bit like a leaf but it was only when I looked closer that I realised it was a frog. I showed the checkout boy and he was grossed out. Another girl wanted to have a look, and she was grossed-out as well.

'I’ve been eating hummus and bread every since - not very healthy, but I’ve been put off eating really.”

Lidl has apologised, and the matter is now in the hands of its customer service team.