Wight Salads Limited has announced the appointment of Jack O'Brien as its new chief executive officer. He formally took on this role on November 3.
O'Brien has previously spent more than 25 years working at managing director level in the retail sector, and thereby brings a tremendous wealth of experience and knowledge about this vital part of the food industry. He most recently worked with Grampian Country Foods as director of purchasing.
“Coming from a sales and marketing background, [O'Brien] has all of the skills that are required to be successful in the dynamic and fast-moving fresh produce business. He brings a new dimension to the team at Wight Salads and will be very instrumental in further developing and enhancing the quality of product and service that we deliver to our customers,” said a statement from Wight Salads chairman Piers Verey.
“Jack has led businesses through periods of strategic change and improved performance in a number of areas. He has a proven track record of success through the provision of clear and consistent leadership, with a passion for communicating and sharing information.
“This key appointment now completes the establishment of the senior team, thereby allowing Wight Salads to concentrate on the full implementation of its strategic plan over the next few years,” he said.