'There is a severe shortage,' Andrew Sperling import manager of Leason Produce Import told freshinfo. 'Some parts of Costa Rica for instance are under two metres of water and you just can't get green bananas from anywhere at the moment. Supplies to the wholesale markets throughout December will be devastated.

'There is not as much damage to the fruit as you would expect in those conditions, but the infrastructure is suffering.' Fields, packhouses and distribution depots and routes are all being affected.

This is a traditionally difficult time of year for the banana wholesalers, Sperling added, as retail programmes tend to get overestimated and the markets are often left in the lurch. 'For independent banana importers such as ourselves, it is a tricky time. Volumes are as far as 50 per cent down on what we would like, which means we make a reasonable price,' he said.

Prices had risen from an unstable £7-8 a box to £11-12 a box between weeks 47 and 49. Sperling predicted a further rise to £12-plus this week, and expects a hard week in week 51 followed by a 'lottery' in week 52.

While the retail sector is unlikely to be hindered unduly, the problems in central and South America will have repercussions for all non-retail trade.

'We do programme a large percentage of our fruit to guarantee volumes,' Sperling said. 'But December is a month when we do a lot of spot buying around Europe. The first three months of the year are good for bananas, but the markets are in for a tough time until then.'