There surely cannot be a better example of shooting yourself in the foot than this week’s front page lead article in the FPJ.
While the law is of course there to be adhered to, who exactly is being served or protected by the ridiculous decision to prosecute Tesco and Asda for “illegal” claims made in their fresh produce aisles?
Restrictive legislation has been a hot topic at a number of industry seminars and conferences in the last couple of years. But, as Asda says, there is wide evidence to support the claims being made for fresh produce by both Tesco and itself. Tesco was even making them in collaboration with Cancer Research UK, who you would think might know what they are talking about.
The government is, as it should be, very embarrassed by the latest developments. As the Journal went to press, behind-the-scenes efforts were being made to rectify this absurd situation.
A number of politicians have banged the cancer prevention drum for fruit and veg in recent times - while they are careful in their wording, the implication is nevertheless there.
The 5-a-day campaign and National School Fruit Scheme will thrive simply by giving out the right messages - people want to eat fruit and vegetables. Small-minded local authorities, spotting the chance to pull in some fine money, threaten to scupper the wider, national goal. The moral high ground is never completely safe from the petty pen-pusher.