WPE South Africa's team in action

WPE South Africa's team in action

As the new season gets underway, Well Pict European (WPE) South Africa’s berry campaign is reaping the benefits of an exchange programme that ran earlier this year.

Fifteen key members of WPE South Africa came to the UK on a trip of a lifetime as part of WPE’s first ever 10-week international exchange programme.

The course covered all aspects of strawberry and raspberry production, with a key focus on harvesting, as well as training in planting and packhouse operations.

WPE South Africa’s managing director, Chris Charter, said: “The general increase in productivity and improved attitude towards harvesting has been immeasurable. As part of the programme, the group gave written accounts of their learnings as well as workshops held during the 10 weeks; it wasn’t all berries, berries, berries. The WPE team made sure that the group had a positive cultural experience as well, with weekly trips organised throughout the programme.”

Now WPE South Africa is feeling the benefit and export volumes have increased significantly against 2007, with motivation and performance on a day-to-day level showing great improvement.
