Well Pict launches online portal

Well Pict European has launched its redesigned website - www.wellpict-european.com. The site features the latest in web programming technologies to allow the company to better respond to customers and clients and relay information efficiently to the global marketplace.

Well Pict European operates alongside partner companies around the world in the Well Pict Group. “It is imperative that a modern organisation such as ourselves has an online presence - integrating a range of technologies to ensure maximum uptake of information and services,” said Aurel Voiculescu, IT director at Well Pict European. “Not only does this ensure efficiency within our channels of communications, but it acts to further guarantee that Well Pict European Group is accessible within the supply chain and beyond.”

The website, dubbed Well Pict European Dynamics, is primed for search engine indexation. “This ensures that wellpict-european.com is one of the most innovative and complex sites within the soft fruit industry,” said Voiculescu. “In a matter of minutes a critical press release or announcement can be published online and using our in-built search facility can be accessed by international partners instantly, whether they are in Portugal, South East England, South Africa or the US.

"The smooth and flowing interface of the website is testament to the hard work of all within the Well Pict Group; the seamless integration of which serves to act as an online replication of the professional relationships enjoyed between WPE and partners, thus allowing us to deliver the best quality soft fruit every day,” he said. “As one of the most free-thinking and revolutionary companies within the industry, the re-designed site will serve to provide unparalleled information to customers, growers and consumers alike. The site is designed to demonstrate to the supply chain and to the consumer that Well Pict is so much more than just a grower. That is something I am very excited about.”

Having spent in excess of £100,000 on the site, Martin Seymour, chairman of Well Pict European, said: "The website is not just a way to advertise, it is a way of doing business. Behind the innovative site there is a Fresh Produce Portal, so all our partners can access the latest market information. It is these levels of investment and commitment in all aspects of our business that ensure Well Pict European is at the forefront of technological implementation within our industry.”

As well as the easily navigable interface, visitors can gain access to various new sections, assuring that all information can be found quickly, easily and logically. This includes information on news and articles about WPE and the soft-fruit industry in general, including answers to industry problems such as a bed-forming solution and crop-protection techniques.

In addition to this, consumers can access recipes for soft-fruit dishes and Well Pict Dynamics also includes articles from the company’s quarterly Growing News magazine and analysis from its own industry experts.In conjunction with Fruitful Jobs, the specialist in seasonal labour recruitment, the jobs section is your one-stop solution for recruitment, detailing some of the most exciting opportunities within the sector, all of which can be applied for online.

“This puts us in a unique position amongst soft-fruit companies making Well Pict Dynamics not just a website, but a gateway for all soft fruit related information,” said Voiculescu.

Bradley Thomas, communication officer at Well Pict European, who worked on the project, said: “Well Pict Dynamics is the most exciting fresh-produce site on the web. I am committed to ensuring that, as an on-going project we provide a first class website continually up to date with the latest information, not only on ourselves, our partners and our products but demonstrating our long term commitment to the industry.”