Independent fresh produce broker G2G has launched a website to generate exposure for smaller farms in Africa.

G2G claimed its support enables the small businesses to meet EU standards on quality and reliability, creating new supply sources of organic, Fairtrade and Eurep-GAP compliant produce.

Company spokesman Michael Ellen said it hopes to build relationships with UK and EU importers and re-introduce an exciting source of produce that has been increasingly excluded by legislative burdens, supply chain rationalisations and in-house resource downsizing.

He said he is confident of G2G’s edge over any potential competition: “G2G can field specialists on the full range of fresh produce which can be grown in sub-Saharan Africa. The difference lies in the approach - we will build longer-term relationships only on a demand-driven basis.

“For us the starting point is to work with importers and understand their needs. Only then do we go out to find and incubate new competitive sources of supply.”

He said once buyers have been linked to producers, G2G provides a web portal,, allowing both parties to communicate, negotiate, contract and monitor deliveries virtually and without their participation.

However, Ellen said G2G will be more involved depending on a customer’s wishes, right down to post-harvest care, delivery monitoring and dispute resolution.

The company is aware it is offering a niche product which will have a limited impact initially. “But the organic potential is quite significant, “ said Ellen. “And we love the vibrant freshness that can be achieved, especially out-of-season in Europe, from some of our southern hemisphere suppliers.”

The G2G website will be launched in two stages. The first phase set up at the end of December was a simple website outlining the company’s purpose, independence, products, methods and potential customers.

Phase two will extend the site into an interactive web portal, allowing producers and importers to link directly and securely, and exchange crop data and requirements.

It will include database search functions providing information on markets, specific demand and supply sources, consultants and finance sources.