I hope every delegate at the Re:fresh Conference and diner at the Re:fresh Awards went away with something to remember.
Through the positive vibes that came from the on-stage participants at the conference and the excited celebration of the winners of each and every award, there was a tangible feel-good factor in the air. Translating that back to the office in the weeks to come would perhaps make some of the commercial realities seem a little less harsh and far more manageable.
The conference gave equal billing to all links in the supply chain and the six interviewees during the day certainly provoked intense debate. Delegates may not always have agreed with what they heard, but it would be a dull world if we all rowed the same boat and shared the same opinions. Let’s hope that in this case at least, disagreement can be the mother of invention - the necessity has always been there.
Congratulations from all at FPJ to the winners of all the awards. The entry bag expands with each year of the event and is being filled with most of the industry’s leading names.
• On another, less savoury note, our freshinfo poll this week suggests that not too many of you will be surprised to hear John Fingleton’s dismissal of suppliers’ need to be involved in the Competition Commission’s inquiry process - page 6. It seems that only the Office in OFT has any particular meaning.