Soleco UK Ltd has withdrawn watercress products, including watercress and spinach, and watercress and rocket mixed salad, from sale at branches of Budgens, Co-op, and a number of convenience stores, because of possible salmonella contamination.
The affected batches were:
• Co-op own brand watercress 75g bag (use by 8/9/10 January 2007 inclusive)
• Co-op own brand watercress, spinach and rocket salad 120g bag (use by 9/10/11 January 2007 inclusive)
• Budgens own brand watercress 75g bag (use by 11/14 January 2007)
• Budgens own brand watercress, spinach and rocket salad 120g bag (use by 11/13 January 2007 inclusive)
• Florette's brand watercress 75g bag (use by 10/11/12/13 January 2007 inclusive)
• Florette's brand watercress, spinach and rocket salad 120g bag (use by 12/13 January 2007 inclusive)
No other batches or products are known to be affected.
The Food Standards Agency was informed and it issued the following statement. “Salmonella can cause diarrhoea and sickness. People who have already bought any of the potentially affected products should throw them away and take the packaging to their retailer.”