Watercress sales are motoring ahead while household penetration continues to grow.
Single packs of the product are up 31 per cent for the first 13 weeks of the year, well ahead of the total fresh cut salad sector’s growth rate.
The main driver behind the growth in the packs is penetration with an extra 250,000 households buying watercressin the last year
A spokesperson for The Watercress Company said: “We know end usage is pretty versatile obviously its being added into Salads, but lots of consumers are using it as an ingredient for cooking.
“We also know that those consumers who do buy it love it for its healthy aspects, but also its distinctive taste.”
She added: “Clearly the increase in interest/sale/penetration etc needs to be linked back to the power of PR of the messages we have been driving home since the start, with a particular emphasis on what we have been doing in the last six-12 months in terms of scientific research, heritage stories etc.”