The Environment Agency has expressed concerns over a potential serious water shortage for 2004

The Environment Agency has expressed concerns over a potential serious water shortage for 2004

The Environment Agency has warned that serious water shortages are likely unless one-fifth more rain than usual falls in the next four months.

Rainfall has been approximately two-thirds of the long-term average since January and seven water companies have taken measures to ensure supplies to customers.

A spokesman for WaterUK, which represents the private utilities in England and Wales, and the water companies in Scotland and Northern Ireland, said: “There weren't any hosepipe bans this year, but potentially if it doesn't rain enough we would be looking at restrictions in the new year.”

Baroness Young of Old Scone, the Environment Agency's chief executive, said: “Although supplies are secure for the coming winter, unless we receive higher than average rainfall between now and March we could be faced with water restrictions and serious water shortages in 2004.”