The effective use of irrigation water will become paramount in the future of carrot and parsnip production in the UK. The British Carrot Growers’ Association wants to draw the attention of all involved in the industry to the implications of the EU water framework directive (75/442/EEC) and the groundwater directive (80/68/EEC). To this end it is organising a carrot variety demonstration and water-themed trade exhibition on October 6, 2005 in Nottinghamshire. All companies with products and services aimed at storing, scheduling and applying water to field grown crops are invited to be there.
Following this event, the biennial carrot/onion conference is being organised for November 22-23 November 2005. The conference programme is yet to be finalised but technical topics will include: Sclerotinia control, PCR testing of soil for cavity spot, weed control and packhouse developments. Marketing topics will include: Consumer trends and product values in Europe and the US, organics and processing.
The research and development committee continues to work for growers and, through the Horticultural Development Council, has commissioned Agrisearch to conduct trials to find new herbicides for use on both carrots and parsnips. Following requests from BCGA members, Defra has agreed to fund further work on cavity spot at Warwick HRI subject to final agreement of the contract.
Several new varieties of parsnips have become available recently and NIAB will conduct an independent assessment in 2005. Results from previous work on Sclerotinia and free-living nematode control are being analysed and will provide improved guidelines for controlling these problems.
The work on free-living nematode control has resulted in a decision support system for growers and, following negotiations with Assured Produce, this is incorporated into the production protocol for 2005.
Following the Annual General Meeting on 20 January Martin Evans (Freshgro Ltd) was elected chairman and David Martin (Plantsystems Ltd) elected vice chairman.
Mr John Kenyon (Huntapac) was elected chairman of the r&d committee and John Bilsland (Kettle Produce Ltd) vice chairman.
Membership is open to all carrot and parsnip growers in the UK and ancillary companies providing products and services to the industry. For further details please contact BCGA secretary: