Six of 14 water-saving initiatives were shortlisted in the agriculture and horticulture section but competition was so tough that the award was shared.

The winners, Symon Murch of Osberton Grange Farm, Worksop and Chris Andrews of East Clyffe Farm, Salisbury save thousands of gallons of water each year. Murch introduced new water sprinklers for his potato crop to cut water consumption by 20 per cent. While livestock farmer, Chris Andrews reduced waste and utilised rainwater run-off to make substantial water savings while increasing the size of his herd.

NFU vice president Michael Paske was there to present the awards. He said: 'Water has a huge impact on growing crops and stock. Farmers know that they cannot take it for granted, which is why so many are investing time and money in schemes to utilise water more efficiently,' Fruit and vegetable grower, Place UK was also commended for reducing its water needs by 38 per cent. It is based in one of the driest regions in England.