Guy Poskitt

Poskitt: Water reduction would be 'catastrophic' for industry

Government proposals for the biggest shake up of water abstraction licensing in 50 years throws up a mixed bag for the farming industry.

That's according to the NFU's national water resources specialist, Paul Hammett, in response to the the consultation paper, ‘Making the most of every drop’, which proposes replacing the existing system of licences with new Abstraction Permissions (AP).

Seasonal conditions and separate licences for winter or summer abstraction would disappear, and instead, APs would contain conditions linking access to water availability. This would allow higher flows to be abstracted all year, not just in winter, but would restrict use on all abstractors during very low river flows.

While the NFU agrees that the system should be reformed and is pleased that the government has started the debate, it believes there is concern with some of the important details.

Hammett said: “The way that water is managed and licensed in this country can definitely be improved. And since farmers hold some two-thirds of all abstraction licences issued in England and Wales, while abstracting less than 1 per cent of water in terms of total volume, we want to be fully involved in shaping a new and improved system.

“We like some of Defra’s ideas, particularly those that will allow farmers to more easily take surface water at high flows coupled with an improved scheme for trading water. We also welcome the suggestion that water should be increasingly managed on a catchment by catchment basis. There are advantages in moving away from national ‘broad brush’ rules to a governance system that tackles local problems.

“But there are potential pitfalls of such major changes. The revocation of all irrigation licences to be replaced by new APs could be a real bonus if the new regulations are ‘simple, low cost and fair to all users’ – but the transition could also become an administrative nightmare.'

He added: “We will also be pressing Defra to recognise the special circumstances that apply to irrigated cropping – full volumes of water may only be needed in one dry year in 10, but that does not mean that the unused water in the other nine years is ‘spare’. And we are concerned about some important omissions - surely devising solutions to water scarcity during drought must be part - and indeed a key part - of the review process. Yet managing water in scarce conditions is not really addressed.

“It is vital that any new system is designed to increase our water security and ensure that farmers and growers get fair access to water to grow the nation’s food.”

Guy Poskitt, NFU horticulture and potatoes board chairman, said: “It is essential that horticulture has a good, reliable supply of water to deliver high quality British produce to our customers. Any reduction of water would be catastrophic to the industry, resulting in a reduced supply of British produce, job losses and increased imports.”