The World Apple and Pear Association has launched a new website, responding to members’ calls for an online information exchange forum. The site can be viewed at
The site is the online forum for the apple and pear industries world-wide and complements the association’s activities. Given WAPA’s steadily increasing recognition and position globally, the website is seen as a key tool to bring together information for the benefit of association members and the wider community. With the goal of improving global demand for apples and pears, the association uses the collective strengths of individual members to provide a voice for the sector. The website will play a significant role in achieving this goal by providing members with improved access to association resources.
A wide variety of general information is available on the site to follow the developments of this transient industry. The site is designed to be easy to navigate and flexible, allowing Wapa to add and enhance it content simply and effectively. A press room is included to provide a dedicated area for regular consultation to stay up-to-date with both industry and association developments.
In light of the vast health benefits associated with consuming fresh apples and pears, a section of the site is dedicated to advances in medical science, lifting the lid on the multitude of health benefits from eating apples and pears. Philippe Binard, delegate general of Wapa said: “For a long time we have seen these intrinsic healthy benefits as a key to the promotion of apples and pears. Our members now have access to a wealth of scientifically-proven information in a one-stop site”.
The members’ only section of the site allows Wapa to facilitate the role of information-provider for the global industry. A range of statistics and additional member information is available in this section to place data at the fingertips of members