Stuart Wales receives the award from Allan Stevenson

Stuart Wales receives the award from Allan Stevenson

Stuart Wale from the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) has been awarded the 2008 British Potato Industry Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to potato research and knowledge transfer.

Potato Council chairman Allan Stevenson highlighted Dr Wale's impressive career when he presented the award at this year’s Seed Industry Event in Crieff, last week.

He said: "Dr Wale has given 30 years' service to the farming community and is a recognised authority on potato diseases. His work with Scottish Agricultural College has extended throughout Europe, Japan, America, Australasia as well as the UK.”

Wale is principal consultant at SAC for agronomy services and dean of centre at SAC, Aberdeen.

Stevenson continued: “He has a wonderful ability of being able to put complicated potato research knowledge into straightforward and practical messages that many farmers have used to benefit their crops. His recent book, A colour atlas of diseases, pests and disorders, set a record for endurance by being published after nine years of writing.”

Wale has published many scientific papers, press articles and reports, many relating to potatoes, and has led many multi-institute R&D projects.

His wide knowledge of potato crop protection and agronomy is in great demand and his audiences range from crofters to major potato-growing companies.

Nominations for the 2009 award will open in May next year.
