Waitrose sprouter kit

The Waitrose sprouter kit

Waitrose has launched a Sprouter Kit which the retailer predicts will be 'this year’s must-have kitchen gadget.'

The kit - which offers a quick and easy way to grow your own sprouting seeds, with the growing process taking just a few days - has three seed trays, allowing the consumer to grow three types of seeds at the same time, or stagger them so they continually have a stock of seeds.

For those who prefer their seeds ready-sprouted, Waitrose stocks two varieties from the Good 4 U brand – Super Sprouts, which contain sprouted alfalfa, clover, radish and broccoli, and a Lentil Sprout Mix, containing sprouted mung bean, lentil crimson, adzuki bean and chickpea.

Jane Westoby, of Waitrose, said: “Sprouting seeds have been a key ingredient in Asian cuisine for many years. The seeds can easily be grown to eat as sprouts with each variety boasting a unique flavour. They make the perfect, healthy addition to simple sandwiches, salads, stir fries and even smoothies.”

The BioSnacky Sprouter Kit, available from waitrosekitchen.com, is priced at £18 with the seeds priced from £5 for a pack of four different mixes.

Good 4 U ready-sprouted mixes are available in the pre-packed salad section of Waitrose branches priced at £1.25 normally, but selling for £1 in January.