Waitrose is promoting British cherries in a new television advert featuring pollination at Lower Hope Fruit’s Sidnall Farm.
The 40-second advert starts with bees in cherry blossom and ends with the fruit on top of a pavlova dessert. Cherries are sold for £2 for 200g at Waitrose stores and online.
Sidnall Farm produces over 90 tonnes of cherries for Waitrose every year.
Waitrose cherry buyer Elinor Griffin said: “The advert captures exactly what goes into growing our sweet cherries, showcasing all of the hard work that the bees do for us. This year we have a bumper crop thanks to the good weather and we predict that our customers will snap up a punnet or two to enjoy over the weekend.”
Farm manager Emily Livesey said: “Each spring, we introduce around 50,000 bees. It’s an amazing process that many people don’t know much about. The bees are crucial to the cherry-growing process because they cross-pollinate the trees. Without them, we’d have no fruit.”