The Boycott Israeli Goods campaign urges people to turn their back on products from the country

The Boycott Israeli Goods campaign urges people to turn their back on products from the country

A bitter fight which broke out over the purchase of goods from Israel has had little impact at two of the UK’s supermarkets - the battlegrounds of the protests.

Radical fringe group Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) called for a week of boycott action and protests against Morrisons and Waitrose but both supermarkets said there had been no major problems.

The PSC said they would flood the supermarket's help lines with nuisance calls throughout the day on Wednesday, but Waitrose said calls had been answered “in their normal way”. Morrisons refused to comment on the issue.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews and Fair Play Campaign Group (FPCG) responded to the calls for a boycott by initiating a "BUYcott Israeli goods" campaign, calling on friends of Israel to buy more Israeli goods.

"BUYcott" followers were at Waitrose in Brent Cross shopping precinct in north-west London on Sunday campaigning for people to purchase Israeli products.

An FPCG spokesman told The Jerusalem Post: "We have heard from people all over Britain who made an extra effort to buy Israeli goods this week. In the future, we hope that every anti-Israel boycott is answered with a BUYcott,"

A number of reports on the FPCG website state that Israeli produce had sold out in several Waitrose stores across London.

The PSC is to co-host a meeting with Oxfam on Thursday under the theme "Israel's Occupation of Palestine: who profits and who doesn't”.

In September, the Fire Brigades Union called for a ban on all Israeli exports during pressure from the Boycott Israeli Goods and Trade Union Congress members agreed to turn their backs on Israeli goods, especially agricultural products produced in the settlements, during its four-day conference in Liverpool.
