Pesticide experts are to take to the road to give demonstrations on good pratice.
The Voluntary Initiative is organising Operator Roadshows to help farmers and sprayer operators take a fresh look at pesticide container disposal and emergency procedures.
The move, which will see 200 workshops take place around the UK, is in response to the fact regulations are about to change.
Each show is being organised by an agrochemical distributor or agronomy company as part of the Voluntary Initiative. The training will look at factors affecting pesticide packaging and the practical implications of new waste regulations.
There will also be sessions dealing with efficient spraying as well as preventing and dealing with emergencies.
Patrick Goldsworthy, VI manager, said: “The winter 2005 roadshows will address some really timely issues. Changes in regulation will affect how farmers can dispose of pesticide packaging.
“For instance, in England and Wales the drum incineration will no longer be legal. Therefore, many farmers and their advisers will need a major rethink on how to ensure containers are thoroughly cleaned, where to store the empties and how to organise disposal in the future.
“New guidance and a website listing of disposal contractors will be available from the Environment Agency very soon."
Each course will attract 5 CPD points for those on the National Register of Sprayer Operators.